In July of this year, The Center for Medical Progress (CMP) began releasing a series of undercover investigative videos that revealed the true motivation of abortion reliant organizations such as Planned Parenthood and Stem Express; Money. Women’s Health takes a back seat to the financial goals these organizations have been proven to have already established for themselves.
In regards to the actual practices Planned Parenthood has in place for the sale of fetal body part Dr. Deborah Nucatola, Senior Director of Medical Services for Planned Parenthood Federation of America, had this to say:
“At the national office, we have a Litigation and Law Department which just doesn’t want us to be the middle people for this issue right now. But I will tell you that behind closed doors these conversations are happening with the affiliates.”
The subsequent videos from CMP would go on to prove Nucatola’s comments to be quite accurate.
Dr. Mary Gatter, Planned Parenthood Federation of America’s Medical Directors’ Council President, was seen and heard on video admitting to being willing to ask one of her surgeons to alter the abortion procedure in order to “increase the odds that he’s going to get an intact specimen”. She is speaking about a human baby being born whole in order to than be dissected. She is casually speaking of human life as “Just a Matter of Line Item.”
The relationship between Planned Parenthood and organizations like Stem Express is a financially profitable business transaction and their product happens to be fetal human body parts, passed off as simply, “tissue”. But make no mistake, babies are being murdered, dissected and their organs sold.
Ask yourself these questions:
- What amount of profit and what type of medical research would have to take place in order for you to justify your child being cut apart and sold?
- What price tag would you be willing to put on your infant daughter’s heart, your nephew’s liver?
- What is the brain of a living child financially worth to you?
If you’re having trouble putting actual prices on these precious items just use Planned Parenthood as a guide, because they have already done just that, put a financial value on young human organs.
Right to Life of Central CA (RLCC) was established to and continually fights against such atrocious attacks on human life as our nation is currently facing. From fertilization to natural death all human life has dignity that cannot be merely brushed aside for financial gain must be protected throughout its many stages of development. Giving anything less than 100% in this battle is simply not enough.
Clearly we at Right to Life of Central CA are passionate in our fight to protect human life. We take our job to educate the population of the Central Valley as to the reality of abortion very seriously; which is why we take your support very seriously. When you attend one of our many events throughout the year and when you spread the word of our activities in the State to your family and friends you are actually helping us grow our effort reach the populace of our country. Thank you for that.
Let’s be up front. We need you financial support as well. Our life-saving efforts do have financial cost. This is why I am personally inviting you to join RLCC’s 300 Club.
What is The 300 Club? It’s a group of supporters who are committed to the mission of RLCC and contributing $300 or more a year to support ongoing expenses.
What does your $300+ annual gift mean to RLCC? Your gracious gift helps us to spread the truth about the Sanctity of Life throughout Central California. Because of your support we can continue to provide church and youth presentations, a weekly pro-life TV& radio show/podcast, educational displays, sidewalk counseling training, and community outreach that will help open eyes and change hearts. Your gracious contributions to The 300 Club allow RLCC to continue our Life-saving ministries.
Please consider joining The 300 Club today and ensure Right to Life of Central CA’s positive efforts are able to continue for generations to come. All human life has value, help us to protect it from its very beginning.
A special Thank You goes out to The 300 Club members for their kindness and generosity in their continual support throughout the year. Their donations assist RLCC in laying the ground-work for future educational outreach in our communities and far beyond. I highly encourage all of you to join this esteemed group of donors who allow us to save lives.
The 300 Club Members:
Ray & Mari HurtadoMs. Patricia LomettiMr. & Mrs. James Irvine
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Machado Mr. & Mrs. Thomas and Michelle Spencer Mark & Tanya Tremp Kay Errotabere Dr. & Mrs. Tom Evans Mr. & Mrs. Laz Villa Mr. & Mrs. David Kuszmar Mr. & Mrs. Ron O’Rourke Mr. & Mrs. Marcel Iczkowski Mr. & Mrs. Erick Lawson Dr. & Mrs. Sylvester Bryan Mr. & Mrs. John McCann Salvador Ranches Mr. & Mrs. Bill Coit Dr. & Mrs. Charles & Patricia Lutz Carl Ueland Mr & Mrs Jason Wood Francis Samson |
David ThomasMr. & Mrs. Timothy Bone Sr.Sally Moreno
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Klepper Mr. & Mrs. Francis Samson Cathy Warmerdam John Mulligan Mr. & Mrs. Forest and Cheri Risch Mr. & Mrs. Dave Thomas Mr. & Mrs. Tom Scheidt Mr. & Mrs. Jeremy and Diane Pearce Mr. & Mrs. Dudley Haverty Mr. & Mrs. Neil Angelillo Mr. & Mrs. Mike Radavero Mr. & Mrs. James Easton Ana Cruz Mr. & Mrs. Michael & Laura Wood Steve Rea David Bereit Christina Linneman Robert Wirtz |