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Planned Parenthood Covers up Sexual Abuse

Lila Rose’s pro-life educational organization Live Action has published their extensive investigation into Planned Parenthood’s involvement in covering up and turning a blind eye to child sexual abuse, rape, and human trafficking throughout the years.

In many cases, Live Action uncovered evidence that Planned Parenthood has allowed sexual abusers and sex traffickers to continue their criminal enterprises without fear of being caught, by failing to report cases of obvious abuse that any responsible mandatory reporter would have discerned.

Live Action was able to compile court cases, health department reports, and testimonials from former Planned Parenthood managers and employees that span several states. These reports have only just come to the attention of Congress, and includes testimony from victims, parents, and friends. This is in spite of the fact that Planned Parenthood, like most medical clinics, is a mandatory reporter for suspected sexual abuse in most states.

In an example of abuse from California, a pregnant 13-year-old was taken to Planned Parenthood by her father Edgar Ramirez after four months of rape. Rather than report her abuse, the victim stated that she had been having unprotected sex with a boyfriend who was her same age. Since 13-year-olds cannot consent to sex, the abortionist suggested that the victim not have sex for three weeks after her abortion.

Unfortunately, court documents showed Ramirez continued having sex with his daughter just a few days late, and Ramirez and his daughter were back at Planned Parenthood for another abortion in a few months. The abortionist implanted an IUD to prevent additional pregnancies, and again Planned Parenthood reported no suspicions of abuse to the authorities. Ramirez was finally arrested several months after the second abortion — and only after the victim’s older sister, who had also been sexually abused, reported his crimes to the police.

Earlier last month, President Donald Trump proposed changes and new rules to be introduced to Title X.  Title X is a federal law that provides funding for various family planning healthcare providers, and it secures about $60 million in taxpayer funding to Planned Parenthood annually. According to the Guttmacher Institute, 474 of Planned Parenthood’s nearly 650 facilities were Title X recipients.

President Trump’s proposed changes to Title X would reinstate rules similar to those first approved by President Ronald Reagan. They disqualify any clinic that performs abortion from also being a Title X recipient.  Given Planned Parenthood’s poor record with reporting sexual abuse, we think these rule changes are long overdue. Right to Life of Central California wrote a letter to the Dept. of Health and Human Services urging them to adopt these new proposed rules.

To learn about the uncovering of these crimes, and to listen to real testimonials by Planned Parenthood employees, visit


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