The Center for Medical Progress released their 10th video early on Tuesday. This footage features top level Planned Parenthood Executives including: Dr. Carolyn Westhoff, Senior Medical Advisor for Planned Parenthood Federation of America PPFA; Dr. Vanessa Cullins, Vice President for External Medical Affairs for (PPFA); and Deborah VanDerhei, National Director for the Consortium of Abortion Providers (CAPS) at PPFA. This video, especially when added to the evidence of the previous 9 videos, makes it clear that Planned Parenthood is illegally profiting from Tissue Sales, they are aware of the illegality of their actions and they are dependent on euphemisms and word games to hide their actions.
Planned Parenthood and other Abortion Providers are illegally profiting from Fetal Tissue Sales
It is becoming harder and harder to believe Planned Parenthood’s consistent and continual defense of their “Tissue Donation Programs” with the claim that Planned Parenthood affiliates only receive reimbursement for costs. In the 10th video it quickly becomes clear that these executive know that a clinic can make “A fair amount of income” through these sales.
Vanessa Cullins, Vice President for External Medical Affair for (PPFA) argued. “I sort of, my stance on that is like, we feel we can’t consent to be bullied by ridiculous laws” referring to the federal law that says.
“The sale or purchase of human fetal tissue is a federal felony punishable by up to 10 years in prison or a fine of up to $500,000″(42 U.S.C. 289g-2).
She continued “A company like this that wants to give our organization money for the tissue–I think that that’s a valid exchange, and that that’s okay.”
The Center for Medical Progress’ David Daleiden, the man behind the hidden camera gave this statement in a press release:
“Planned Parenthood CEO Cecile Richards openly admits they receive ‘$60 per tissue specimen,’ and their contracts with StemExpress offer payments per fetus ‘determined in the clinic to be usable.’ Planned Parenthood runs their abortion and baby parts business in open disregard for the law and should be prosecuted immediately. Their taxpayer funding should be reassigned to Federally Qualified Health Centers, which provide more and comprehensive health services at locations outnumbering Planned Parenthood 20 to 1.”
High Level Planned Parenthood Executives are aware of the illegality of their actions
Dr. Vanessa Cullins, appears to be highly concerned regarding the possible exposure of their illegal actions. “This is important. This could destroy your organization and us, if we don’t time those conversations correctly,”. That fear of exposure is continued by Deborah VanDerhei explaining their desire to leave no written record of their negotiations “It’s an issue that you might imagine we’re not really that comfortable talking about on email.” all conversations are expected to be in person to avoid a PR disaster.
Dr. Carolyn Westhoff is also concerned about public knowledge of fetal tissue sales , “Obviously, we would have the potential for a huge P.R. issue in doing this,” she said before offering to introduce the buyers to “national office abortion people” from Planned Parenthood.
At the national level of Planned Parenthood (PPFA) there is a specific lack of “tissue procurement” policy in order to protect the abortion giant. Dr. Deborah Nucatola, Senior Director of Medical Services for PPFA after being asked for PPFA guidelines on tissue procurement: “No. there are guidelines on research, but there are no guidelines on tissue procurement. And there will never be guidelines.”
Planned Parenthood is hiding, yet again, behind “contorted oxymorons”
The National Director for the Consortium of Abortion Providers (CAPS) VanDerhei refers to payments for fetal tissue as “donation for remuneration,” She explains “I have been talking to the executive director of the National Abortion Federation, we’re trying to figure this out as an industry, about how we’re going to manage remuneration, because the headlines would be a disaster.” CMP’s David Daleiden responds
“Planned Parenthood is the largest abortion provider in the country, responsible for 327,000 abortions every year, and receives $528 million in taxpayer money each year. “From email black-outs to contorted oxymorons like ‘donation for remuneration,’ the lengths to which Planned Parenthood leadership will go to cover-up their illegal sale of aborted baby parts are nothing less than the desperation of a guilty conscience,”
As David rightfully points out, the phrase “Donation of Remuneration” is meaningless and “carries the connotation of financial reward or benefit without regard for actual expenses”.