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Can You Explain Why You’re Pro-Life in a 30-Second Sound Bite?


I’ve recently become friends with Tim Thiesen, the President of the Fresno County Republican Assembly. He attended a function that I spoke at and we exchanged ideas and then he had me on his TV show.

Last week he asked me to give him a 30-second sound bite that he can use and give to candidates that would explain the basic pro-life position. Below is what I sent him, a combination of Steve Wagner’s 10-second pro-life apologist and the Equal Rights Argument.


30-Second Pro-Life Sound Bite

I am pro-life because we know the unborn are alive, because they’re growing. We know the unborn are human because they have human parents, and I think human beings like me and you are valuable.

In fact, I think all human beings have an equal right to live, because they all have something special in common: they’re human. That’s why racism and sexism are wrong. Racism is wrong because it focuses on a surface difference that doesn’t morally matter and ignores the thing we all have in common, which is the thing that does morally matter: that we’re human.

And because the unborn are clearly human, they should be given an equal right to life as well.



Original Post by Josh Brahm: November 2013