We have exciting news from our Outreach Center next to Planned Parenthood! RLCC employees talk with women and couples going in and out of Planned Parenthood to encourage them to choose life. Several of these young women changed their minds about abortion, and decided to keep their precious babies!
Our organization is especially moved when we remain in contact with these precious mothers as they let us know about their pregnancies. To help us celebrate these incredible young women, and to ease economic worries caused by the Coronavirus shutdown, we are hosting digital baby showers, to help support them as they take on their new pregnancy!
We are sharing their stories and Amazon registries with our supporters, to encourage you to help these mamas experience the love and support of our organization for themselves and their babies! Here are the stories of these smart, brave, loving young women:
Tonya: Tonya is an 18-year-old young woman who met Right to Life staff outside of Planned Parenthood, where she was considering having an abortion. She didn’t want to have an abortion, and only came to Planned Parenthood because she thought she was too young, and she needed answers and options. After speaking with our staff and receiving encouragement, she decided to keep her baby! She is a lovely and bright young woman, and she is in love with her baby, due in September. You can access her registry here.
Chase: Chase is a young woman who had one child, but who came to Planned Parenthood during her second trimester for an abortion of a child she had not planned. In fact, when our employees talked to her, Chase had already been dilated the day before, as preparation for a surgical abortion. Her mind changed when she encountered our employees, Linda and Monica, who let her know that she wasn’t alone, and that life after an unplanned pregnancy was both possible and incredibly joyful. She went in to Planned Parenthood, and told them she was not going through with the abortion. She openly shared her story with us in hopes of offering support to other women facing the same fears. She is expecting a son, whom she has named Elias Jay. You can access her registry here.
Leyla: Leyla is married, a young mother with two young children under the age of 2. Her husband works in San Francisco while she lives in Fresno. She entered Planned Parenthood stressed, isolated, and facing financial hardship. She didn’t want an abortion, but she felt she did not have an adequate support system to help her with another baby. After speaking with our staff, she came to realize how she genuinely wanted to keep her baby, but was mostly just in need of support and friendship. She returned to introduce our staff to her two children, and has expressed her deep and sincere joy and gratitude for our staff’s role in helping her choose life for her baby. You can access her registry here.
Thank you so much for supporting these brave young women! And thank you to our RLCC donors who support the essential work of our organization. Your support saves lives, and we thank you for the honor of serving our community in this fashion!