On the Thursday before 40 Days for Life was shut down Monica sat in the office feeling discouraged. We were feeling like we were not doing any good. We decided to reach out to some of the young women with whom we had interacted. While we had had extremely positive interactions with them, we weren’t sure if they had ultimately chosen life.
We sent a text to find out that one woman we were almost sure had not chosen life, actually had. This joyful news changed our mood significantly.
I write this to encourage all of you. I want to let all of you know that even when we think we are not doing any good, we just don’t know for sure. Over and over people tell us to stay strong and remind us that there are positive things happening as a result of us being out there that we don’t know about.
We’d like to tell all of you who have been involved in 40 Days for Life, who can no longer come out to the sidewalk due to concerns about Coronavirus, to do the same. Stay strong and stay convicted. Take some time to be still and let God work through you and with you. Let Him prompt you during these trying times. During your times of being still, be reminded of God’s love for you and share it through your prayers, actions and words.
These young women who chose life are a testament to the fact that what we are doing is working. From the front line we can tell you that business at the clinic has decreased significantly. We are not aware of a single abortion from last Friday, which is usually a big day. We`ve been able to interact with a worker we don’t ordinarily get to talk to because clinic employees are interacting with patients outside the building. All of these things mean we are making a difference.
Thank you for your support in all ways.
We at Right to Life are also hosting a digital baby shower for three of the brave young women with whom we have interacted at Planned Parenthood, who chose to keep their babies. Please be sure to take a minute to peruse the baby shower link and make a selection of goods to contribute to the young mothers we are supporting, if you can. Send the link on to anyone who might also like to participate.